MarathonMaiden's Blog


Strength training is typically a big part of my running training.  I definitely feel my best when I’m pushing my muscles to the brink with lifting and getting stronger.  I’m sure there are numerous studies showing how great lifting is for your body and that’s all well and good.  But I really keep it up because of how my body reacts to it.  The way I feel so powerful during a hard run when I can feel my muscles powering me forward.

Part of it is also psychological for me too: I grew up with a father who actually powerlifted.  Like in meets and stuff.  Seriously.  We even traveled for it too; my childhood trips to Disney coincided with huge meets.  From an early age I was shown that lifting was something to do and something that was done on a regular basis.  My dad trained in our basement with all kinds of weights and equipment.  Granted I often ignored the advice spewed by the parentals, but still, regardless of whether or not you want to listen, it sticks.

In any case I was “forced” to lift once I hit my teen years and although I HATED it I did enjoy the fact that there were high school boys there too to train under my dad.  I eventually abandoned actual lifting when I hit high school and did more calisthenic stuff with the volleyball, basketball and track teams.  I’d later incorporate this stuff post-high school much more readily into my routines as you don’t really need anything to do them.

I do two forms of strength: circuits or actual lifting depending on where I am and how I’m feeling. I typically like to do actual lifting more because it makes me feel hardcore and I like holding my own in the largely male weight rooms.  But sometimes I just can’t get to a gym or am too lazy and I still want to get in a good strength session.

Hopefully you’ve found this story/links helpful and useful.  Any questions? Feel free to comment and/or email me:

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